Journey with Giovanny - 48 minute film and individual music videos

The Pressure Cooker

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This is one of twelve music videos from the album, "Gallery: escenas del viaje." The album is about my friend Giovanny Padilla Mojica and the ways our lives have intersected, including Giovanny's migrant journey to the US. The Pressure Cooker shows what happens when our anger builds up and we don't have a valve. 

Este es uno de doce videos de música del album, "Gallery: escenas del viaje." El album habla de mi amigo Giovanny Padilla Mojica y el cruce de nuestras vidas, incluyendo el viaje de inmigración escalofriante de Giovanny a los EE UU. The Pressure Cooker (La Olla de Presión) muestra lo que pasa cuando se aumenta nuestro enojo y no tenemos una válvula. 


Tripping on the same wire

falling in the same hole

flying off the handle

‘til the pressure cooker explodes

What is this predilection?

why do I go for the throat?

where did I get this hair-trigger

when anyone gets my goat?

I come from a long line of killers

always good with a stone

hiding signs of the trauma

that happened light years ago

Ma chased me with a broomstick

Dad ran off before I was born

slapped by the first lieutenant

soldiers tangled and torn

I jump when something crashes

scream when you sneak behind

drop when I hear the gunfire

when it’s only the Fourth of July

How can I escape this cyclone?

how can I leave this jail?

only way out of this tunnel

is to crawl out like a snail

The first thing that I see

as I climb out of this hole

is sunlight on the ocean

and spiraling waves of gold

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