Journey with Giovanny - 48 minute film and individual music videos


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This is one of twelve music videos from the album, "Gallery: escenas del viaje." The album is about my friend Giovanny Padilla Mojica and the ways our lives have intersected, including Giovanny's migrant journey to the US. The song Gallery is about my Colombian teacher Hernando's invitation to imagine how we can do something to relieve the suffering around us. 

Este es uno de doce videos de música del album, "Gallery: escenas del viaje." El album habla de mi amigo Giovanny Padilla Mojica y el cruce de nuestras vidas, incluyendo el viaje de inmigración de Giovanny a los EE UU. La canción Gallery presenta la invitación de mi maestro Colombiano Hernando a imaginar lo que podemos hacer para aliviar el sufrimiento que nos rodea.


Welcome to my holy exhibition

of homeless children living in the street

the endless lines of tired and hungry beggars

and hoarders who have too much to eat

Me preguntan, creador hasta cuando

hasta cuando aguantarás el dolor

de ver a tu mundo trastornado

de escuchar tantos gritos de terror

As an artist I turn around the question

to those who have become my hands and feet

how much longer will you take to open up the gate

what will you do to meet my children’s needs?

I’m passing out the paintings in my gallery

choose the one that speaks a word to you

the painting will begin a transformation

feathered wings will rise above the zoo

As an artist I turn around the question

to those who have become my hands and feet

how much longer will you take to open up the gate

what will you do to meet my children’s needs?

I’m passing out the paintings in my gallery

choose the one that speaks a word to you

the painting will begin a transformation

feathered wings will rise above the zoo

Las balas de plomo se vuelven palomas, en esta galería de paz

Las balas de plomo se vuelven palomas, volamos a la libertad

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